Monday, August 11, 2014

Punch a Treat

Another great idea to use when reviewing the songs for the program is Punch a Treat (I made up that name, but you may have a better one).  This idea was shared by Stephanie Campbell from Desert Rose Ward.  First, you call up a child to toss a beanbag to see which song to sing.  The color of paper that the beanbag lands on matches a practice song.  Stephanie told the children that if they can sing the song 'program ready' they will get to punch a hole at one of the targets (see picture).  Behind each target was an ingredient for a special treat to be made and brought once all four targets were punched.  

Behind each of these targets were:  butter, sprinkles, rice krispies, and marshmallows.  The children worked hard to get all four targets punched!

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