Saturday, May 31, 2014

June 2014

For June you get to choose the song you would like to work on with the children.  The theme for the month is Families Are Blessed When They Follow the Prophet.  Some possible choices of songs that relate to the theme and are suggested in the outline are:  "I Love to See the Temple", "Love Is Spoken Here", and "Family History--I Am Doing It".  If you are using any of these songs I have posted the song with a link that will take you to some good ideas to use when teaching the song to children.

I Love to See the Temple
At Sugar Doodle there are lots of ideas for almost any Primary song.  I have found over the years that usually the more simple ideas are the best for me.  When I would plan a big, involved activity to teach a song it seems like I would spend more time managing the activity than actually singing.  Trust your children to love to sing and you will see good results.  Click on the song for ideas from Sugar Doodle - "I Love to See the Temple".

There is a lovely violin descant for "I Love To See the Temple" at this website.  Remember to get permission from your Primary Presidency and Bishop when doing special arrangements.

Another good idea for introducing the song is to show a picture of the Las Vegas temple and ask, "What is this building?"  "Where is it?"  "Have you ever been inside?"   "Would you like to someday?"  Next, ask the children, "What are some things we do in the temple?" and list on board next to the picture.  Sing song and see how many they noted. (Feel the Holy Spirit, listen, pray)  Continue singing the song asking questions about the words in the song and have them find the answers while you sing.  Usually the senior Primary already knows the song and will happily join in while you sing.

There is some beautiful sheet music by Janice Kapp Perry and  Steven Kapp Perry with "I Love to See the Temple" and a song called "Teach a Child" that is sung together.  You could have the Primary children sing the first song while a group of mothers sing the second.  If you want to hear the song click here.

Love Is Spoken Here
Here is an idea from the blog Primary Singing Time Ideas Singing Magic for the song "Love Is Spoken Here".  I used it a couple of years ago and it worked well.

I also liked the idea found here at Sugar Doodle.  It is the first idea on the page from the Friend Magazine. The children are moving the hearts around and thinking about something that relates to the song.  If you try it let me know how it works for you.


Welcome to Henderson, Nevada Black Mountain's Stake Primary music blog.  My name is Jolene Mitchell and I have recently been called to serve as the Stake Primary music leader.  I have served in Primary for over 18 years and was just recently released as my ward Primary music leader after almost five years.  I love Primary music almost as much as I love working with Primary children.

As I was pondering on how to reach the primary choristers most effectively, I recalled how often I would rely on other people's experience and blogs for ideas and encouragement when preparing for the next Sunday.  I thought that providing a blog for our Stake might be a benefit to each of you.

My goal is to post at least twice a month with ideas and links for upcoming songs and the program.  Feel free to leave comments or questions and I will search out ideas for you.   If you have any great ideas or something that went well for you I hope you'll share with us.

The Stake Primary Presidency send their appreciation and love for your service.  Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers as you serve the little ones in our stake.